
Dimensional (DM) Measurements


Alternating Current (AC) Section


The Alternating Current (AC) section is responsible for the establishment, maintenance and dissemination of the Syrian national standards of the AC voltage, AC current, AC power, and AC energy quantities.

The national standard of AC voltage and AC current are represented by an AC measurement standard, Fluke 5790A and AC active shunt, Ballantine 1625A.

The national standard of AC power is represented by a standard watt converter, Yokogawa 2885.

Direct Current (DC) Measurements


NSCL maintains the following standards as the reference measurement standards of DC voltage, DC current, resistance and capacitance for Syria and for the dissemination of the related units:

Calibration Services


NSCL provides calibration services in the following measurement fields:



Finding Us

  • National Standards and Calibration Laboratory
  • Masaken Barzeh
    Pre-fabricated house area
    Damascus - Syria

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